Von Sören Bott: Felix and his first wife Else Israel moved to another Villa in the Ahlsen-Kolonie at Wannsee, Zum Heckeshorn 1-3, which was built in 1922 for Elsa Sophie Czapski, née Oppenheimer. The House had nearly 900 square meters and the property 5.000 sm. In the Ahlsen-Kolonie lived the upper-class, in the neighbourhood lies the Herz-Villa and the Villa of Max-Liebermann as well as the Villa of the Wannsee-Konferenz, where the Nazi-Leaders had planned the “Endlösung”.
Felix had to sell the house in 1936 for a bargain to Nelson Faßbinder, whose son Albert Faßbender was a terrible Nazi in the SS. (
The Faßbender family kept the house after the war, the Villa was demolished in the Seventies and replaced by standard multi-family-homes. Felix sold also his house in the Sigismundstraße 5.
Felix ist nach Chicago ausgewandert. Er war Architekt und leitete das Büro von Mies van der Rohe. Mies baute die Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin direkt neben dem Grundstück in der Sigismundstraße 5, das Felix einmal gehört hatte.Ganz in der Nähe stand auch das Kaufhaus Flatow und Primer.