NamePaula Pauline Deiner 
BurialPerished in the Holocaust
Birth7 Jan 1878
Deathaft 28 Nov 1941, Minsk
Notes for Paula Pauline Deiner
{geni:about_me} Birth, per
* 1878 39 Wien Deiner Pauline Isak Leib vulgo Ignaz Ludwig/Sachs Katharina
Married 1901, Num. [ '''561''']: April 28, 1901
Austrian database of Holocaust victims' names (DOEW):
* First Name Paula Last Name Schwarzwald
* Date of Birth 07.01.1878
* Residence Wien 9, Währingerstrasse 59/16
* Deportation Wien/Minsk
* Date of Deportation 28 Nov 1941