NameElsa Stein 
Birth20 Oct 1891
Deathabt 20 Dec 1940
Notes for Elsa Stein
{geni:about_me} There can be no perfect match inmy tree of Gustav Blum, absoluelkynorelation. Emiul Blum was borninsothernMoravia, probablyZnojmo, and died in 1942 in Buzuku, USSSR, where he came to join the Czechoslov cakarmyunmit being formed there, Confirmed by amy records, His rave is at th e graveyard inBuzuluk(armyrecorfds). As many Czec hs he was released froma Soviet gulag when jhe expressed his wishto jontghe Czewchoslov alkamyuniotg. Hewa, howev e, seiously ill and died befolre he couldbeaccepted fr acti ve servioce. SXopPLEASRE do no add him tgo our family treet andmentioned as a perfectgmatch. Nosuch thing.Hissoln lived - andno doubtdied - in Israel. Hismother and sisger both died in oshthernMOavia Iv ančice) beflre Jews were sent toTerezin. heyboth died, a arasI know, typhoid and undernorishment,(Letters from a friedn (our maid) in Tleč, wo usedd tosednthemfood, as a as posssble.
Letters inmy archive.
Dagmasr Steinová (Friedová)
Npo usytavBlmunour family - b orn inPakistgan anddiedd inTserfezin. Enirelydofferentfamoily.