{geni:occupation} Firma B. Spiegler & Söhne Textile mechanical weaving, bleaching, dyeing and finishing in Hronov (Hronow, Königgrätz), Bohemia and branch office at Schottenbastei 11, Vienna-1
http://vinnetou.site.cas.cz/rousek/HRONOV/historie.html Hronov history] ..Other weaving mills '''Spiegler & Sons''' built between 1879-1880, Spinning cotton [
http://www.geni.com/people/Moritz-Oberl%C3%A4nder/6000000009414570429 '''M.J. Oberländer'']' and [
http://www.geni.com/people/Ludwig-Morawetz/6000000...=6000000010385473255 '''L. Morawetz'''] built between 1889-1890 and was one of the most important in the region.. Since there was plenty of cheap labor, more businesses came here, mostly of Jewish origin, and established smaller textile companies.." OR kramerius Hronov: Adolf '''Graetz''' cotton factory and linen goods. '''Oberländer and Ludvig Moravec''' laundry, '''Brothers Spiegler''' weaving OR [
http://www.henrykolm.com/ '''Henry Kohn'''] - '''Liesl Spiegler''', one of the daughters of the '''Spiegler''' Textile family in which '''Richard Kohn''' (1888 -) aspired to be its CEO by spending apprentice time at the numerous '''Spiegler''' plants throughout Austria and Moravia, principally at their headquarters in Rhonov or Chronov =likely Hronov OR Hronov [
http://archiv.scena.cz/index.php?page=casopis&tyden=495&o=4&r=22 ref-1] in [
http://www.hronov.cz/data/portal/4/brezen.pdf Listy] OR reference in book [
http://books.google.ca/books?id=PTge2ZQDkhQC&p...egler%20&f=false Die Dresdner Bank im dritten Reich: Die Expansion der Dresdner Bank in Europa] OR ref. on [
http://www.architektenlexikon.at/de/724.htm architektenlexikon]
Tod und Begräbnis 1884 Quelle GenTeam