{geni:about_me} Born [
http://badatelna.eu/reprodukce/?fondId=241&zaz...&reproId=3885987 July 16, 1877], UHERSKÝ OSTROH (Ungarische Ostra, o. Uherské Hradiště) N (births) 1849 - 1875; 1876-1879, 1880-1881(i), Image #108/150.
In 1869, the market for agricultural products in Vienna, the Commodity Exchange, was founded. After 1890 it was located in a [
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Productenboerse2.jpg building] constructed for it between 1887-90in Taborstraße 10 in Vienna's Leopoldstadt. The building faced Große Mohrengasse on its rear side.
Bisherige Präsidenten der Börsekammer:
* 1869–1872: Konstantin Dora
* 1872–1875: Roman Uhl
* 1876–1894: Wilhelm Naschauer
* 1895–1916: Paul Ritter von Schoeller
* 1917–1925: Fritz Mendl
* 1926–1928: Hugo Hauser
* '''1929–1931: Hermann Reif . . .'''
Die ehemalige Börse für landwirtschaftliche Produkte in der Taborstraße in Wien, Hinterseite Große Mohrengasse
http://www.boersewien.at/?id=2500%2C%2C501845%2CIn 1901, Hermann Reif, Malzfabrikant, was living at Wien I., Schottenring 19 ([
http://books.google.com/books?id=CapRAAAAMAAJ&...2Reif%22&f=false Jahresbericht des Wissenschaftlichen Klub]..., Volumes 24-39, Vienna); cousin [
http://www.geni.com/people/Moriz-Reif/6000000008781453639 '''Moriz Reif'''] lived at Schottenring 17.
In 1913, contributor "from the movement" to Przemysl [Galicia]...
Dr. Hermann Reif Kr. 5.-. See page 1063 of [
http://edocs.ub.uni-frankfurt.de/volltexte/2008/38032/original/Welt_1913_33.pdf ''Die Welt''] for Aug. 15, 1913. The newspaper ''Die Welt'' was the "central organ of the Zionist movement."